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based in Hamburg, available worldwide

Artistic, raw & elegant wedding photography

As an international wedding photographer, I'm grateful for the privilege of capturing love stories around the world. For me, it's not just about freezing moments in time; it's about creating images that allow couples to relive the magic of their special day for a lifetime. Connecting with people, embracing the freedom to capture raw emotions, and cherishing the present moment are what drive my passion for wedding photography.

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You inspire me

Every love story is different and unique. My goal is to capture the spark and intimacy that make the connection between two souls so special. Life is colorful, vibrant and beautiful in all its possible forms - and so is love. That's why I believe in the beauty and diversity of all love stories. #loveislove

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Get to know me better

How can you get a better impression of someone than through a film? And what is more authentic than a few outtakes? Although I couldn't say everything I wanted to, I hope the little clips will make you laugh and still understand the message. And if you want to get to know me better: Feel free to send me a message via my contact form.

"There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice".

- F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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